Terra Rubra Lions Club Newsletter

November, 2010

Meeting Notes

Monday, October 4

We met at 6:30 p.m. at Middleburg Park. Lion President Kevin Trump presided over the meeting.

Attendance: We had 22 members and 1 guest present for the evening. Our guest was Alice Mehring.

Reports: Lion Larry Stambaugh reported on the progress of the well testing and on our September Crab Feed.

Lion Shelbe Stambaugh reminded us of the Basket Bingo on October 16th and asked us to get our tickets sold.

Lion Linda Bowers asked us to sell the tickets for our $1200 Cash Club & Dinner and get them turned in to her. She also mentioned the Blood Drive coming up on October 25th at Keysville Lutheran Church from 2 p.m.-8 p.m.

Lion Beth Sandifer reminded us of the upcoming Home Merchandise Auction and would appreciate getting items to be donated for that as soon as possible.

Business: We approved a donation to Lions Vision Research Foundation.

Lion Beth will be attending the banquet at New Midway on November 6th and will present our check at that time.

The 50-50 drawing with a value of $12.00 was won by Lion Charlie Mehring, and he donated it back to the Administrative Fund. Lion President Kevin adjourned the meeting at 7:48 p.m.

Monday, October 18

We met at 6:30 p.m. at Middleburg Park. Lion President Kevin Trump presided over the meeting.

Attendance: We had 23 members and 13 guests present for the evening. Our guests were District Governor Richard Liebno; 2nd VDG Paul Cannada; Cabinet Secretary Liz Eitemiller; Cabinet Treasurer Kent Eitemiller; Regional Chairman Pauline Rosier; Lion Charles Rosier; Lions Wayne & Linda Sherfey; Lions Bill Francis, Jack Francis and Bob Nelson from Deer Park Lions; Margie Stonesifer and Alice Mehring. Zone Chairman in attendance was our own Lion Beth Sandifer.

Health & Welfare: Lion Ralph Gann was down with back problems.

Program: Cabinet Secretary Lion Liz Eitemiller introduced our District Governor Lion Richard Liebno. DG Dick delivered his message to us asking us to set goals and increase membership. He also had the pleasure of inducting Margie Stonesifer as the newest member into our club. Lion Margie’s sponsor was Lion Charlie Mehring.

Reports: Lion Larry Stambaugh reported that we were still waiting on the progress of the well testing & exhaust hood approval. He reminded us of our upcoming October Crab Feed. We also need to be getting our gasoline raffle tickets sold.

Lion Linda Bowers asked us to sell those tickets for our $1200 Cash Club & Dinner. She reminded us of the Blood Drive coming up on October 25th at Keysville Lutheran Church.

Lion Beth Sandifer reminded us of the upcoming Home Merchandise Auction and would appreciate getting items to be donated for that as soon as possible. Lion Grant Harding will be serving as our auctioneer again this year.

Business: We approved a request for an eye exam and glasses for a lady from Ladiesburg.

The 50-50 drawing with a value of $22.00 was won by Lion Wayne Sherfey from Taneytown Lions. President Kevin adjourned the meeting at 8:03 p.m. with a Board of Directors meeting with the District Governor to follow.

Club Reminders

  • Lions Club Jackets & Shirts: We are getting an order together. Please see Lions Terry Grable & Susan Cox!

November Birthdays

  • November 13: Lion Sharon Weeks
  • November 13: Lion Terry Grable
  • November 16: Lion Brian Cox

Upcoming Events & Activities

  • November 1: Terra Rubra Lions Club meeting at Middleburg Park at 6:30 p.m.; Pot Luck Dinner
  • November 3: Union Bridge Lions oyster, shrimp and chicken feed, 6 p.m., Union Bridge Fire Hall. Contact Lion John Laudermilch, 443-974-0228.
  • November 4: Freedom District Lions & Freedom District Lioness Charter Night
  • November 5: Taneytown Lions Club 12th annual basket bingo, doors open at 4:30 p.m., games start at 7 p.m.; tickets $12 in advance; Contact Lions Wayne or Linda Sherfey at 410-756-5957
  • November 6: Terra Rubra Lions Club; $1200.00 Cash Club and Dinner; 1-3 p.m.
  • November 6: Lions Vision Research Foundation Banquet; New Midway Fire Hall
  • November 7: 22W Cabinet Meeting, Region II
  • November 10: Region IV, Zone I meeting, 6:30 p.m., hosted by the New Windsor Lions at the New Windsor Fire Hall
  • November 13: Terra Rubra Lions Club Merchandise Action
  • November 15: Terra Rubra Lions Club meeting at Middleburg Park at 6:30 p.m.; Pot Luck Dinner
  • November 20: Taneytown Lions Pancake Breakfast
  • November 20: Valley Lions Club Retired Basket Bingo; tickets $15 in advance, $17 at the door; Pleasant Valley Community Fire Co. Social Hall; doors open at 5:30 p.m., bingo starts at 7 p.m.; Call Lion Roy at 443-536-3418 or 410-848-3163.
  • November 27: Valley Lions basket bingo at Pleasant Valley Fire Hall

Contact the Newsletter Editor through our Feedback Page, or by phone at (443) 918-8088 with newsletter information or address changes.


Months in italics are not available

























