Terra Rubra Lions Club Newsletter

February, 2010

Meeting Notes

Monday, January 4

We met at 6:30 p.m. at Middleburg Park. Lion President Beth Sandifer presided over the meeting.

Attendance: We had 17 members and 3 guests present for the evening. Our guests were Past District Governor Lion Cecil Massie, Sarah Keefer, and Emily Cox.

Health & Welfare: Lion Terry Grable gave an update on his wife Sandy, and Lion Linda reported on how her Mom was doing.

Reports: Lion Larry Stambaugh gave an update on the building progress, and Lion Terry Grable was checking on materials for stoning the parking lot.

Lion Larry reported on the Canned Nut sales and the upcoming Shrimp Feed/Daytona Party. He also said that we would be having the money bingo fundraiser for Glenn Keyser on March 27th.

Lion Susan Cox reported on the American Heritage Essays and the Christmas Care Packages.

Lion Linda Bowers reported on the $1200 Cash Club & dinner.

President Beth and Lion Terry reported on our Christmas Donations to Needy Families.

Lion Randy Sandifer told us of some of the plans for the upcoming Bull & Oyster Roast, and Lion Brian Cox gave some information on the planned Gun Raffle Event.

Business: The 50-50 drawing with a value of $9.00 was won by Lion Lyle Stutzman, who donated it back to the building fund. President Beth adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. with a Board Meeting to follow.

Board Meeting: We approved Ralph Gann to become a new member of our wonderful Lions family.

Monday, January 18

We met at 6:30 p.m. at Middleburg Park. Lion President Beth Sandifer presided over the meeting.

Attendance: We had 19 members and 4 guests present for the evening. Our guests were Past Council Chairperson Lion Clare Newcomer, Past Distric Governor Lion Dave Fisher, Zone Chairman Lion Wayne Sherfey and Lion Linda Sherfey.

Guest Announcements: PDG Dave Fisher introduced PCC Clare Newcomer as a candidate for International Director. PCC Clare spoke with us asking for our support in her run for the position. Zone Chairman, Wayne Sherfey announced the upcoming Zone Meeting on February 22nd and went over some other district business.

Health & Welfare: Lion Terry Grable gave an update on his wife Sandy. Lion Lewana Walters' mom had passed away on Saturday, January 16th.

Reports: Lion Larry Stambaugh and Lion Terry Grable gave an update on the building progress and stoning the parking lot.

Lion Susan Cox reported on the American Heritage Essay Contest. Our award night will be February 1st for the winners of the essays and the Peace Poster Contest.

Lion Larry Stambaugh said that he would like to have 200 tickets sold for the Shrimp Feed/Daytona Party and also for the Mystery Bingo Nights. He also gave us a Treasurers report.

Business: We approved donations for two families in need of some assistance: one following a family death, and another who is having to deal with excessive medical expenses.

The 50-50 drawing with a value of $12.50 was again won by Lion Lyle Stutzman, who donated it back to the building fund. President Beth adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m. with a Board Meeting to follow.

Board Meeting: Lion Wayne reviewed the MMR and Activities Reports for November and December 2009 for additions or corrections.

Club Reminders

  • Our first meeting of February will be on Monday the 1st at Middleburg Park and will be a carry in pot luck meal. This will be our Awards Night for our Peace Poster Contest Winner and our American Heritage Essay Contest Winners.
  • Custom Jacket or Shirt Orders: Contact Lion Terry Grable if you need to order anything.

February Birthdays

  • February 6th: Dorothy Hess Zepp
  • February 8th: Nancy Bailey
  • February 9th: Ron Harrison
  • February 18th: Kevin Trump
  • February 22th: Kim Zinkand

Upcoming Events & Activities

  • February 1: Terra Rubra Lions Club meeting at Middleburg Park at 6:30 p.m.; Pot Luck Dinner; Essay and Peace Poster Awards
  • February 14: Terra Rubra Daytona 500 Party at Middleburg Park
  • February 15: Terra Rubra Lions Club meeting at Middleburg Park at 6:30 p.m.; Pot Luck Dinner
  • February 22: Zone Meeting at Harney Lions Club; 6:30 p.m.
  • February 27: "Mystery Bingo" at Middleburg Park
  • March 1: Terra Rubra Lions Club meeting at Middleburg Park at 6:30 p.m.; Pot Luck Dinner
  • March 6: Terra Rubra Lions Bull & Oyster Roast at Middleburg Park
  • March 15: Terra Rubra Lions Club meeting at Middleburg Park at 6:30 p.m.; Pot Luck Dinner
  • March 20: PCC Clare Newcomer Fund Raiser for International Director at Middleburg Park
  • March 22: Blood Drive at Keysville Lutheran Church 2-8 p.m.
  • March 27: "Mystery Bingo" at Middleburg Park; Proceeds to benefit Glen Keyser Fund
  • April 3: Community Easter Egg Hunt at Middleburg Park for children 12 & under; 1:00 p.m.
  • April 5: Terra Rubra Lions Charter Night at Cozy Restaurant; 6:30 p.m.
  • April 17: Terra Rubra $1200 Cash Club & Dinner; Middleburg Park 1:00–3:00 p.m.

Contact the Newsletter Editor through our Feedback Page, or by phone at (443) 918-8088 with newsletter information or address changes.


Months in italics are not available

























